Why Do the Sounds in My Animation FinishedListener Not Playing?
Image by Springer - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Do the Sounds in My Animation FinishedListener Not Playing?

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Are you frustrated with your animation’s sounds not playing when using the finishedListener event? You’re not alone! This common issue can be a real showstopper, but fear not, dear animator, for we’re about to dive into the reasons behind this pesky problem and provide you with actionable solutions to get those sweet, sweet sounds playing again!

Understanding the FinishedListener Event

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, let’s quickly review what the finishedListener event is and how it works. The finishedListener is an event triggered when an animation has completed its playback. It’s commonly used to trigger actions or events once the animation has finished, such as stopping sounds or resetting the animation.

// Example of using finishedListener to stop a sound
animation.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onAnimationComplete);

function onAnimationComplete(e:Event):void {

Common Reasons Why Sounds May Not Play

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some common reasons why sounds might not be playing when using the finishedListener event:

  • Incorrect Sound Embedding

    If your sounds are not embedded correctly, they won’t play. Make sure to embed your sounds properly using the `embed` metadata tag or by importing the sound files into your project.

  • Sound Channels Not Set Up Correctly

    Failing to set up sound channels correctly can prevent sounds from playing. Ensure that you’re creating a new SoundChannel instance and playing the sound using the `play()` method.

    // Example of creating a sound channel and playing a sound
    var sound:Sound = new MySound();
    var soundChannel:SoundChannel = sound.play();
  • FinishedListener Event Not Triggered

    If the finishedListener event is not triggered, your sound won’t play. Verify that the event is being triggered by adding a trace statement or a breakpoint in your code.

    // Example of verifying the finishedListener event
    animation.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onAnimationComplete);
    function onAnimationComplete(e:Event):void {
        trace("Animation complete!"); // Verify the event is triggered
  • Sound Not Added to the Stage

    If the sound is not added to the stage, it won’t play. Ensure that the sound is added to the display list using the `addChild()` method.

    // Example of adding a sound to the stage
  • Sound Volume or Mute Issues

    Sound volume or mute issues can prevent sounds from playing. Check that the sound volume is not set to 0 and that the mute property is set to false.

    // Example of setting sound volume and mute properties
    sound.volume = 1; // Ensure the volume is not 0
    sound.mute = false; // Ensure the sound is not muted

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve covered the common reasons why sounds might not play, let’s go through some troubleshooting steps to help you identify and fix the issue:

  1. Verify Sound Embedding

    Check that your sounds are embedded correctly by reviewing your project’s settings and code.

  2. Check Sound Channel Setup

    Review your code to ensure that sound channels are set up correctly and that sounds are played using the `play()` method.

  3. Debug the FinishedListener Event

    Add a trace statement or breakpoint in your code to verify that the finishedListener event is triggered.

  4. Check Sound Addition to the Stage

    Verify that the sound is added to the stage using the `addChild()` method.

  5. Investigate Sound Volume and Mute Issues

    Check that the sound volume is not set to 0 and that the mute property is set to false.

  6. Test in a Different Environment

    Try testing your animation in a different environment, such as a different browser or device, to isolate the issue.

  7. Check for Conflicting Code

    Review your code to ensure that there are no conflicts or overriding code that might prevent the sound from playing.

  8. Seek Help from the Community

    If none of the above steps resolve the issue, seek help from online communities, forums, or expert animators to get additional insight and guidance.


In conclusion, troubleshooting sounds not playing in an animation’s finishedListener event can be a frustrating experience, but by following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and fix the issue. Remember to verify sound embedding, check sound channel setup, debug the finishedListener event, and investigate sound volume and mute issues. With patience and persistence, you’ll get those sweet sounds playing again, and your animation will be complete!

Common Reasons Why Sounds May Not Play Troubleshooting Steps
Incorrect Sound Embedding Verify Sound Embedding
Sound Channels Not Set Up Correctly Check Sound Channel Setup
FinishedListener Event Not Triggered Debug the FinishedListener Event
Sound Not Added to the Stage Check Sound Addition to the Stage
Sound Volume or Mute Issues Investigate Sound Volume and Mute Issues

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue and creating engaging animations that delight your audience!

Here are 5 FAQs about “Why do the sounds in my animation finishedListener not playing?” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Have you ever wondered why the sounds in your animation finishedListener aren’t playing? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Is my audio file format compatible with the animation?

Make sure your audio file is in a compatible format, such as MP3 or WAV. If you’re using a different format, try converting it to see if that solves the issue.

Is the sound file correctly linked to the animation?

Double-check that the sound file is correctly linked to the animation by checking the file path and ensuring it’s not missing or corrupted.

Are there any volume or mute issues?

Check the volume settings in your animation software and system settings to ensure that the sound isn’t muted or turned down. You can also try increasing the volume to see if that solves the issue.

Is the animation finishedListener event correctly set up?

Verify that the finishedListener event is properly set up and configured to trigger the sound playback. Check the event listener code and ensure it’s correctly attached to the animation.

Are there any browser or plugin restrictions?

Some browsers or plugins may have restrictions on audio playback. Try testing your animation in a different browser or environment to see if the issue persists.

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