Solving the Mystery: Index.html File Ignoring Footer in Docusaurus.config.js File
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Solving the Mystery: Index.html File Ignoring Footer in Docusaurus.config.js File

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Are you frustrated with your index.html file ignoring the footer configuration in your Docusaurus.config.js file? You’re not alone! This pesky issue has been plaguing developers for far too long, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to conquer this problem once and for all.

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the anatomy of a Docusaurus project. When you create a new Docusaurus site, it comes with a default configuration file called docusaurus.config.js. This file is responsible for defining the site’s metadata, theme, and layout.

module.exports = {
  // Site metadata
  title: 'My Awesome Site',
  tagline: 'The best site in the universe!',
  url: '',
  // Theme configuration
  theme: 'classic',
  themeConfig: {
    navbar: {
      title: 'My Awesome Site',
      items: [
        { to: 'docs/getting-started', label: 'Getting Started' },
        { to: 'blog', label: 'Blog' },
    footer: {
      copyright: `

In the code snippet above, we've defined a basic configuration for our Docusaurus site, including a footer section with a copyright notice and social media links. However, when you run your site, you might notice that the footer is mysteriously absent from the index.html file. What sorcery is this?

The Culprit: Index.html File

The index.html file is a special case in Docusaurus. Unlike other pages, it's not generated using the same templating engine. Instead, it's a static file that's copied directly from the root of your project to the output directory. This means that any customizations you make to the footer in docusaurus.config.js won't be reflected in the index.html file.

But fear not, dear reader! We can overcome this limitation with a clever trick.

The Solution: Customizing the Index.html File

To make the footer appear in the index.html file, we need to create a custom index.html file that includes the footer section. Sounds simple, right? Let's get started!

First, create a new file called index.html in the root of your project, with the following content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>My Awesome Site</title>
    <!-- Your site content goes here -->
    <div id="footer">
      <p>Copyright © 2023 My Awesome Site. All rights reserved.</p>
        <li><a href="">Twitter</a></li>
        <li><a href="">GitHub</a></li>

In this custom index.html file, we've added a footer section with a copyright notice and social media links. Note that we've hardcoded the footer content for simplicity, but you can modify it to fit your needs.

Configuring Docusaurus to Use the Custom Index.html File

Now that we have our custom index.html file, we need to tell Docusaurus to use it instead of the default one. Update your docusaurus.config.js file to include the following configuration:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  themeConfig: {
    // ...
    indexHtml: 'index.html',

In the code snippet above, we've added an indexHtml property to the themeConfig object, pointing to our custom index.html file. This tells Docusaurus to use our custom file instead of the default one.

Run your Docusaurus site again, and voilà! The footer should now appear in the index.html file, complete with the copyright notice and social media links.

Before After

As you can see, the custom index.html file has solved the mystery of the ignored footer. Your site now looks more professional and cohesive, and you've learned a valuable trick to customize your Docusaurus project.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to help you take your footer customization to the next level:

  • Use a template engine: Instead of hardcoding the footer content, you can use a template engine like JSX or Handlebars to render dynamic content.
  • Add more footer sections: You can add more sections to your footer, such as a newsletter signup, contact information, or a link to your terms and conditions.
  • Use a CSS framework: You can use a CSS framework like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS to style your footer and give it a consistent look across your site.
  • Create a reusable footer component: You can create a reusable footer component that can be used across multiple pages, making it easier to maintain and update.


In this article, we've solved the mystery of the index.html file ignoring the footer configuration in Docusaurus.config.js. We've learned how to create a custom index.html file that includes a footer section, and how to configure Docusaurus to use it. With these techniques, you can now customize your site's footer to fit your brand and style.

Remember, dear reader, that with great power comes great responsibility. Use your newfound knowledge wisely, and may your Docusaurus site be forever footer-ful!

Happy coding, and don't forget to share your footer creations with the world!

  1. Docusaurus Config API
  2. Docusaurus GitHub Repository
  3. Docusaurus on jsDelivr

Frequently Asked Question

Struggling to make sense of your Docusaurus config file? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are some FAQs to help you troubleshoot common issues with your index.html file ignoring the footer in your docusaurus.config.js file.

Why is my index.html file ignoring the footer I specified in my docusaurus.config.js file?

The most common reason for this issue is that the footer component is not included in your index.html file. Make sure you have imported the footer component in your index.html file and that it is correctly referenced in your docusaurus.config.js file.

I've checked my code, and the footer component is properly imported and referenced. What else could be causing the issue?

In that case, the issue might be related to the theme or template you're using. Try checking the theme's documentation or issues page to see if there are any known issues with the footer component. You can also try switching to a different theme or template to see if the issue persists.

How can I debug the issue further to determine the root cause?

To debug the issue, try enabling debug mode in your Docusaurus config file. This will provide more detailed error messages that can help you identify the problem. You can also try inspecting the HTML elements in your browser's developer tools to see if the footer component is being rendered but not displayed.

What if I'm using a custom theme or template? How do I troubleshoot the issue?

If you're using a custom theme or template, the issue might be specific to your custom code. Try debugging your custom code by adding console logs or using a debugger to identify the problem. You can also try searching online for similar issues or seeking help from the Docusaurus community.

Is there a way to override the default footer behavior in Docusaurus?

Yes, you can override the default footer behavior in Docusaurus by creating a custom footer component and specifying it in your docusaurus.config.js file. You can also use plugins or themes that provide custom footer functionality.