TSX: ‘Routes’ Refers to a Value, but is Being Used as a Type Here. Did You Mean ‘typeof Routes’?
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TSX: ‘Routes’ Refers to a Value, but is Being Used as a Type Here. Did You Mean ‘typeof Routes’?

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If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve stumbled upon an error message that’s got you scratching your head. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! The error “TSX: ‘Routes’ refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean ‘typeof Routes’?” is a common one, especially for developers new to TypeScript. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of TypeScript and explore what this error means, why it happens, and most importantly, how to fix it.

What is TypeScript, and Why Should I Care?

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing and other features to improve the development experience. It’s designed to help you catch errors early and improve code maintainability, making it a popular choice for large-scale applications. If you’re building complex software, TypeScript can be a game-changer. But, with great power comes great complexity, and that’s where our error message comes in.

The Error Message: What Does it Mean?

The error message “TSX: ‘Routes’ refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean ‘typeof Routes’?” is telling you that the compiler thinks you’re trying to use a value as a type. But what does that mean?

In TypeScript, a value is a piece of data that can be assigned to a variable, passed as an argument, or returned from a function. On the other hand, a type is a way to describe the shape of that data. Think of it like a blueprint for your data.

// Example of a value
const routes = [
  { path: '/', component: Home },
  { path: '/about', component: About }

// Example of a type
interface Route {
  path: string;
  component: React.ComponentType<>;

In the example above, routes is a value, and Route is a type. You can think of it like a container (the value) and a label on that container (the type).

Why Does this Error Happen?

This error typically occurs when you’re trying to use a value as a type, or vice versa. This can happen in a few different scenarios:

  • You’re trying to use a variable as a type annotation:
  • const myComponent: routes = <>;

  • You’re trying to use a type as a value:
  • const routes = Route;

  • You’re using a value as a type parameter:
  • <Route>routes</Route>

In each of these scenarios, the compiler is telling you that you’re trying to use a value as a type, or vice versa. But what if you meant to use the type of the value instead?

Using the ‘typeof’ Operator

That’s where the typeof operator comes in. The typeof operator returns the type of a value. It’s like asking the compiler, “Hey, what’s the type of this value?”

const routes = [...];
type RoutesType = typeof routes;

In this example, the compiler will infer the type of the routes value and assign it to the RoutesType type. You can then use RoutesType as a type annotation:

const myComponent: RoutesType = [...];

Now, let’s go back to our original error message. What if we meant to use the type of the Routes value instead of the value itself?

Solving the Error

The solution is simple: use the typeof operator to get the type of the Routes value. Instead of:



<Route>typeof Routes</Route>

By using the typeof operator, you’re telling the compiler to use the type of the Routes value instead of the value itself. This should fix the error and get you back to coding in no time!

Best Practices

To avoid this error in the future, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Use clear and descriptive names for your variables and types. This can help you avoid confusion between values and types.
  2. typeof operator: When in doubt, use the typeof operator to get the type of a value. This can help you avoid errors and ensure you’re using the correct type.
  3. Keep your code organized by separating your values and types into different files or sections. This can help you avoid accidental usage of values as types or vice versa.


The error message “TSX: ‘Routes’ refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean ‘typeof Routes’?” can be frustrating, but it’s a common mistake that’s easy to fix. By understanding the difference between values and types, using the typeof operator, and following best practices, you can avoid this error and write more maintainable, scalable code. Remember, with great power comes great complexity, and a little bit of patience and practice can go a long way in mastering TypeScript.

Error Message What it Means Solution
TSX: ‘Routes’ refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean ‘typeof Routes’? You’re trying to use a value as a type Use the typeof operator to get the type of the value

Now, go forth and conquer the world of TypeScript! (Or, at the very least, fix that pesky error message.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you stuck with the error “TSX : ‘Routes’ refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean ‘typeof Routes’?”? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What does the error “TSX : ‘Routes’ refers to a value, but is being used as a type here” mean?

This error occurs when you’re using a value (in this case, ‘Routes’) as if it’s a type. TypeScript is complaining because it expects a type, not a value.

Why is TypeScript suggesting ‘typeof Routes’?

TypeScript is suggesting ‘typeof Routes’ because it’s a way to get the type of the ‘Routes’ value. By using ‘typeof’, you can access the type of the value, which is what TypeScript is expecting.

How do I fix this error?

To fix this error, simply replace ‘Routes’ with ‘typeof Routes’ in your code. This will tell TypeScript that you want to use the type of the ‘Routes’ value, rather than the value itself.

What if I’m using ‘Routes’ as a type, but I don’t want to use ‘typeof’?

If you’re using ‘Routes’ as a type, but you don’t want to use ‘typeof’, you can define an interface or type alias for ‘Routes’ instead. This will allow you to use ‘Routes’ as a type without getting the error.

Is this error specific to TypeScript?

Yes, this error is specific to TypeScript. It’s a way for TypeScript to enforce type safety and prevent mistakes in your code. JavaScript wouldn’t catch this error, but TypeScript is here to help you write better, safer code!